Shoelaces covered with small honey bees scattered on a cream background. Great gift for a bee keeper or honey lover.
We add Metal-Tips to the end of the shoelaces to make them easier to lace up. Available in 4 lengths.
Can't decide what length to buy?
Please measure your existing laces. Check out our length recommendation chart. Here are some shoelace length recommendations:
27" - Little Kids Low Tops (approx age 5-6 years) 3-4 eyelets
36" - Junior Low Tops (approx age 6-11) 4-5 eyelets / Also adult traditional Vans low tops
45" - Adult Low Top Converse (approx age 11+) 5-6 eyelets / Also tween low tops
54" - Adult High Top or low top for large feet 6-7 eyelets